DEL Engineering     Website Under Re-Construction

We Specialize In:

MUNICIPAL MAPPING (e.g. Tax Maps, Zoning, GIS=Geographic Information Systems)

ASSISTANCE TO APPLICANTS (Conditional Use Permits, Subdivisions)



Our Mission and Philosophy

Our mission is to provide our clients "modern, computer-aided engineering with old-fashioned personal service" that only a small firm can truly provide.  Within this framework, the five principles guiding our way of doing business are:

Provide sound, competent technical assistance to our clients.
Provide products and services of the highest quality.  We strive to be thorough, complete, clear, and accurate in all of our endeavors.
Practice in an ethically sound way, by avoiding conflicts of interest, providing unbiased advice and analysis, being truthful and complete, and protecting our clients’ lawful interests.
Ensure that our clients receive good value for their investment.
Be responsive, personable, professional, and courteous in all interactions.

Contact Information

David E. Limbert
Senior Consultant

DEL Engineering
9901 Emmaus
St. John, VI 00830-9587

Contactemail.GIF (205 bytes)

(340) 626-0899